Civil Engineering Library contains More than 240 books, with size of less than 6 MB, and without need to download books, for Multi disciplines in Civil Engineering for both, students and practitioners, in order to improve Civil Engineers and develop their abilities.
you can review books which divided into sections and chapters, based on book's arrangement by the author.
Civil Engineering Library arranged as the following:
- Structural Analysis: determine the situation of the structure.
- Structural Design: design the structure based on universal codes and standards.
- Reinforced Concrete: perform reinforced concrete structures and emphasis for it's stability and strengthen.
- Building Materials: physical, chemical, and durability properties of the buildings materials.
- Building Construction: build the structure with different types of materials like wood, design the kitchen and swimming pools, execute steel plate shear wall, and make a tunnel hoop house.
- Foundation: design and perform shallow, deep, and pile foundations.
- Geotechnical: design and analyse the structure based on soil capacity and test to determine the soil behavior.
- Earthquake: seismic design and construction of structures.
- Steel Structure: design and analysis of steel structures.
- Highway: roads design and analysis, for traffic and asphalt pavements behavior.
- Bridge: evaluate design, materials, and production of bridges.
- Quantity Surveying and Estimation: cost, quantity, and commercial calculations for structures.
- Construction Management: manage construction structure.
- Project Management: manage your project with a high professional features of a project manger.
- Green Buildings: sustainable design, construction, and management of green building.
- Tunnel Constructions: design and construction of tunnels.
- Codes and Standards: local and global codes, and standards for civil engineers.